Afgelopen vrijdag was het dan zover, de start van de cursus! Dit weekend heb ik het eerste materiaal doorgenomen, een profiel aangemaakt voor de site van de cursus, blogs van medecursisten bekeken en gelezen en nog meer zin gekregen om actiever met mijn eigen blog bezig te gaan! Ik ben erg benieuwd naar de eerste officiële lesdag, morgen, en wat deze cursus mij gaat brengen :)
Hey ho, let's go!
Since last Friday I've been back at school, well sort of... For a while I had been playing with the idea of starting my own blog, inspired by all the blogs I follow (or read occasionally...). A few weeks ago I read about Holly Becker's e-course Blogging Your Way Bootcamp and I decided to register.
Last Friday the course started! This weekend I studied the first materials, made my profile for the website of the course, had a look at & read my peers' blogs and I became more and more enthousiastic about doing this course and increase time and energy spent on my own blog! I'm very curious what the first official schoolday, tomorrow, will be like and what this course will bring me :)
Hey ho, let's go!
© photo by Mirjam