Als je de Liebster Award wint is het de bedoeling dat je een aantal vragen beantwoordt over jezelf, je de Award doorgeeft aan elf andere bloggers en hen ook weer elf vragen stelt.
Eerst maar ‘es de antwoorden op de vragen die Arda mij stelde…
My BYW Bootcamp classmate
Arda nominated me for the Liebster Award. I was
completely surprised because I’ve only just started blogging. The Liebster
Award is an award from bloggers for bloggers and is given to, like Louise of 30smagazine beautifully phrased,
“bloggers who are small to medium or upcoming in the blogosphere”. I’m honoured
and I really like it, so thank you Arda! Winning the Liebster
Award means answering a couple of questions about yourself, then pass the award
to eleven other bloggers and ask them eleven new questions. First, my answers to
Arda’s questions…
Best vacation ever? I’ve had more than one great vacation but I often think back on a day
spent in London with my husband, a couple of years ago. We left early by train
from Brighton, had breakfast at Borough Market (and did some shopping there),
visited the Globe Theatre & Tate Modern, had sushi for lunch and did some
more shopping later on. We finished the day back in Brighton, had a great Thai
dinner followed by a few wines on a terrace. The whole day was just
When do you feel inspired? Often when taking a shower I get a lot of ideas!Who do you admire most? People who are confident, who are honest to themselves and others, care about friends and family and find time to do good.
What would be your perfect day? A day similar to the one I described in my first answer but it would be nice if it included our two children as well.
Are you quiet or outgoing? I can be both, it depends on the situation I’m in
(and the amount of wine that’s in me ;-) ).
Where do you like to blog from? I like to blog from home, either sitting on the sofa with my laptop on my lap or sitting at the dining table.
Favorite ethnic food? That must be the thai food from The Churchill Arms in London. A typically English pub which serves the most delicious thai food! Really worth going to when in London.
What do you love knowing lots about? Art history is a subject I don't know that much about yet but I'd love to expand my knowledge in that area.
Favorite color? I have to go for two colours, pink and grey.
Are you on the dance floor or do you prefer to observe the dancing? I hardly go out (and / or dancing) but I like both!
Morning or night person? I used to be a night person but with my two small kids I’m ‘forced’ to be more of a morning person…
Ik wil heel graag de volgende blogs (bloggers) nomineren voor de Liebster Award:
My nominees for the Liebster Award are the following blogs (bloggers):
&Suus met melk en suiker
Aggy's lifestyle
Haikje's blog
A girl and a brush
Patricia Maria blog
Serendipitous things
Een klein stukje van mij
Dear all,
maybe you're not into awards, maybe you think your blog content doesn't comply with a post about an award, maybe you just don't like this whole Liebster Award thing... - that's alright, of course! Please feel free to do with it whatever you like.
Mijn vragen voor jullie zijn:
My questions for you are:***
What’s your favourite moment of the day?
As a child what did you want to become ‘when I’m old’? (And did you?)
What’s your favourite magazine?
Do you eat Chinese food with chopsticks?
Tell about a family tradition.
Are you afraid of spiders?
Do you mind losing a (board) game?
Red or white wine?
Name your favourite city.
If you could choose another first name which one would it be?
What’s the first blog you read after starting up your computer?
Aggy's lifestyle
Haikje's blog
A girl and a brush
Patricia Maria blog
Serendipitous things
Een klein stukje van mij
Dear all,
maybe you're not into awards, maybe you think your blog content doesn't comply with a post about an award, maybe you just don't like this whole Liebster Award thing... - that's alright, of course! Please feel free to do with it whatever you like.
Mijn vragen voor jullie zijn:
My questions for you are:***
What’s your favourite moment of the day?
As a child what did you want to become ‘when I’m old’? (And did you?)
What’s your favourite magazine?
Do you eat Chinese food with chopsticks?
Tell about a family tradition.
Are you afraid of spiders?
Do you mind losing a (board) game?
Red or white wine?
Name your favourite city.
If you could choose another first name which one would it be?
What’s the first blog you read after starting up your computer?