Ik kreeg het lootje van Babette (en later bleek, zij de mijne - toevallig!). Omdat ik zelf niet echt creatief ben heb ik mijn kadootjes voor Babette bij elkaar geshopt en gelukkig is ze er blij mee! Ook Babette heeft mooie dingen voor mij geshopt. Ze heeft mijn blog gelezen en zocht dingen uit die echt bij mij passen :) Gisteravond om negen uur mochten we eindelijk de pakjes openmaken. Op de foto's zie je mijn kadootjes! Nogmaals bedankt, Babette! En ook Imke bedankt voor dit leuke idee :))
A brilliant idea born out of frustration, that's a way to describe Creasint. Imke (from lovejohnny) wanted to organise a Sinterklaas party with friends but that didn't really work out. She asked her followers on Twitter if anyone was interested to celebrate an alternative version of Sinterklaas and Creasint was born. More than 40 people wanted to join, sent their addresses and a short description of themselves to Imke, Imke (and her husband!) made sure that everyone got a 'candidate' (sent in envelopes Imke made herself).
I had to make/buy presents for Babette (and later it turned out she had got my name - what a coincidence!). Because I am not really a creative person I bought my presents for Babette and luckily she is very happy with them! Babette also bought me very nice presents. She'd read my blog and found things that really suit me :) Last night at nine we could finally open our gifts. On the pictures you can see my gifts. Thanks again, Babette! And thank you Imke for this great idea :))
Marike van LIVWOW.nl schreef ook over Creasint op de blog van 101Woonideeën, klik HIER voor de link...
Marike of LIVWOW.nl also wrote about Creasint on the blog of 101Woonideeën, you can find the link HERE...
photo by Mirjam |
photo by Mirjam |